8 Random facts about forklifts
There’s a bunch of cool stuff a forklift can do that enhances the productivity of your worksite in a way that no other machine can achieve. That’s why we love them. But there are a bunch of interesting facts and info about forklifts that you might not know, and might only ever need at a trivia night - but hey, we’re here to help you in every way we can. So, here are 8 random facts about forklifts that we think make them even more interesting. The lucky recipient of your clever banter at the next barby can thank us later…
The typical lifespan of a forklift is about 10,000 hours (or eight years). However, if you really look after them with quality maintenance checks and immediate repairs, they can go for closer to 10 years. Pretty decent return use on investment.
Forklifts can weigh up to over 22,500kg depending on the type of machine. They aren’t delicate… This is why safety of forklifts is SO vital [link to three point blog].
Forklift accidents make up a quarter of all transport-related workplace fatalities in Australia (again, safety first, every time!)
Forklifts (battery powered) were invented in 1906 by a company called Clark, in Pennsylvania (mark as trivia-worthy)
Forklift rodeos are a thing. Do not try this at home! But there are actual (controlled) competitions to get operators to perform weird and difficult tasks like narrow barrier driving and seeing who can stack the quickest. Contestants are super highly skilled and they’re not mucking around! There’s a whole national championship.
Forklifts are super popular for thieves. They are the most common machine to be taken from worksites. That’s why we have the Telematics systems on our machines
The most commonly used forklift is the electric and LPG-powered, due to their efficiency and ability to work for indoor and outdoor worksites (as well as being environmentally friendly)
The world record holding forklift for load capacity is a mighty machine that weighs over 80,000kg and can lift 65,000kg. In performing its world record it achieved the lift on hill with a 34 percent incline - impressive!
Want to know more about forklifts as it pertains to your next project? Give our knowledgeable team a call today!