Blog AllLiftMentalHealth-Large

What a year! Thanks for an epic 2021

Can you believe we’re back to December? It feels like 12 minutes ago that we were exhaling after an unprecedented 2020, not 12 months. We also thought we’d seen the last of it. 2021 was going to have us forgetting the new bad C word, and it was going to be the best yet. What we didn’t know was that we were going to have to face it all again, ten fold. So, here’s our little love letter to you guys, who have supported us even in your toughest hour, and gotten us through in ways we could never have imagined. 

We have Australia-wide support, but we want to first make mention of our incredibly resilient NSW and VIC customers. For some of you, you made history. The longest bout of lockdown in the world. It was a hard slog, and you made it through or are still working to make it through. Lockdown became such a common word, but the magnitude of what it took to get through that with health, mental health and job security on the line, has not been lost on us and we take our hard hats off to you guys. 

We have not wanted to scream from the rooftops that All Lift had a largely successful year; with so many of our closest mates, workmates and loved ones struggling. But, we make mention here only to double down on our incredible gratitude to you all that YOU made that happen. 

All Lift is our livelihood, our life blood. We stood, as worried as anyone with a business, looking at the epidemic’s 2.0 consequences, wondering if we had it in us to do it again. Then, we looked behind us, and an unwavering group of loyal, dedicated, and extremely hard working customers and team members charged on with us. And, we made it. THANK YOU. 

That brings us to our team. WHAT A TEAM. It’s really hard to convey how we feel about their tenacity, grit, eagerness and determination with mere words. But, we’ll give it a red hot go. Without them, there is no All Lift. We appreciate them every year, but after 2021 there is no denying how much they hold up this business and keep us forging forward, and growing. 

It is with that that we wish everyone a prosperous 2022. The end of the year always comes with that bit of hope that the next one will always be better than the last. For a lot of Australians, that bar is pretty low. And, we have to wonder if we’ll ever see ‘normal’ in the foreseeable future. But we have learnt that we have a helluva lot of strength when we band together and THAT will give us a bright new year, no matter what it throws at us. 

Have a wonderful and safe holiday period, guys. We’ll be open every day, except for the public holidays (the only thing that’ll tear us away from the machines is the glazed ham, sorry). So, get in touch if your worksite and project is cracking on around the Christmas crackers!


