Blogs - 2023 untitled-design-23

The most important rules to remember when operating a forklift

Far beyond any amazing load, lift or height capacity a machine can achieve, or the impressive functions, innovative additions or precision movement, the most important factor for forklifts is their safety. The machines themselves, if maintained regularly and properly, and repairs made immediately, as is the process at All Lift, are generally very safe on their own. The main safety issues that arise with forklifts are human error and oversight. With that, here are the most important rules to remember when operating a forklift, or having a forklift operated on your worksite.

Limbs in

It might seem like it’s too common sense to even say. But, many times injuries from not keeping all your limbs inside the frame of the forklift isn’t due to deliberately being reckless, but rather complacency and mindless movement. For example, an operator hyper focused on the job at hand, as they should, getting quickly distracted by someone or something, and a quick lapse in judgement can lead to major injury to the operator, or others onsite.  

Stable loads, at all times

It could be the end of a long day, and you’re looking at what should be, safely, two or three more loads’ worth to haul. The temptation is there to minimise this to one or two, and teeter on the brink of big risk by over-stacking, or stacking loads unstable on the pallet, or not using the right attachment for the load… However, the implications of cutting corners with your forklift load can be extremely dangerous, even fatal. Always treat the load and the machine with respect when it comes to loading it to ensure you don’t tip over the machine, or have the load fall off the forks. Stack carefully, evenly, to the right weight capacity and distribution, and use the right attachments.   

Have a professional at the ‘wheel’

To ensure that safety standards are implemented to the highest standard, and one that covers you legally, is to have a highly skilled, trained professional forklift operator at the helm. At All Lift, we provide operator hire not only for the convenience but for the assurance of absolute safety onsite. Our operators are fully licensed, highly trained and experienced, and have a deep understanding and respect for the safety protocols of both machine and the worksite. They are also able to retain efficiency to support your site’s productivity. If you need forklift operator hire for your project, contact us today

Cover the safety checks

Before you operate a forklift, each and every time do an actual or mental checklist of your safety precautions. When you’ve been operating for a long time, or are on a long shift of operating, it’s easy to slip your mind. The basics are:

  • Brake check

  • Seatbelt on and secure

  • Lights working

  • Overhead guards

While having the entire machine working at full capacity is vital for safe operation, checking these things every time will keep your brain on safety, and your body secure in the machine. 


